This section defines the average current market truck bank loan payments for Owner Operators that are paying for their owned truck.
Example.: Truck bank loan for bought truck may differ depending on: (Buyers personal credit score; Truck's manufacturing year; Truck's value) (2010-2015) = $700/week; (2016-2019) = $800/week; (2020-2021) = $900; 2022 = $1100/week.
This section defines the average current market truck down payment for bank that Owner Operators have to pay for their purchased truck.
Example.: Truck down payment for bank may differ depending on buyers personal credit score, based on the current market standing (%20-30) from Truck's value: (2010-2015) = $15,000; (2016-2019) = $21,250; (2020-2021) = $37,500 ; 2022 = $75,000.
This defines the payment that company collects as security deposit
Example.: Market average for company drivers is $1,500 (Company ussualy starts collecting $150/week untill full amount is collected); for Owner Operators/Lease $2,500 (Company ussualy starts collecting $250/week untill full amount is collected). Escrow fee is being reimbursed/released 30-45 days after when drivers returns the equipment and officialy leaves the company.
Bobtail Insurance is similar to non-trucking liability and provides coverage when operating a truck without a trailer is commonly known as “bobtailing.”
Example.: Bobtail insurance covers the tractor anytime it is not attached to a trailer regardless of whether or not the truck is under dispatch. Average Insurance price $225/week.
This defines drivers average weekly spendings for maintenance/equipment repairs.
Example.: These spendings ussualy varries on equipment condition and breakdown situations when repairs are needed. Current market averaging up to $475/week. (Relying on annual fleet repair annalitics for top 5 trucking companies).
Occupational accident insurance coverage provides benefits to employees injured or killed in a job-related accident.
Example.: Occupational Accident Insurance Options: (Accidental death benefit, Survivors benefit, Accidental dismemberment, Accident medical expense, Temporary total disability, Permanent total disability, Non-occupational accident benefit, Hernia and hemorrhoid benefit, Chiropractic benefit). OA Insurance fee averages at $40/week.
Electronic Logging Device (ELD or E-Log) is a piece of electronic hardware attached to a commercial motor vehicle engine to record driving hours. The driving hours of commercial truck drivers are regulated by a set of rules known as the hours of service (HOS).
Example.: ELD support team provides asistance for drivers setting up and maintaining ELD device work at all times. ELD Service provider cost ussualy varries from $60/week to $325/week. Averaging to $230/week.
Total fueling pay invoice that includes all fuel ups that driver had during his weekly period to be able to complete his freight delivery trips.
Example.: Drivers are ussualy provided ''Company fuel cards'' that drivers are able to use to purchase fuel which is pre-paid by company in advance. Most recommended locations for highest quality fuel is: (Pilot & Flying J, Petro, TA, Love's, Road Ranger, Roady's). Average weekly mileage for OTR drivers are 3500 miles. Average truck diesel consumption per miles is about 6.5 miles/gallon. To complete 3500 miles driver would need 466 gallons of diesel. Current market average diesel price is $3.39/gallon (As of 11/30/21) . Meaning 466 gallons of diesel costing $3.39/gallon would add up to $1,582 total fuel cost per week.
A toll road, also known as a turnpike or tollway, is a public or private road (almost always a controlled-access highway in the present day) for which a fee (or toll) is assessed for passage. It is a form of road pricing typically implemented to help recoup the costs of road construction and maintenance.
Example.: The amount for average weekly spendings on toll roads for drivers may differ depending on drivers behavior of sellecting their highways they want to use to compleate their freight delivery trips. Per week toll expences for CDL class, 5 axle wehicle may add up to $750/week. Ussually averageing at $150-$200 per week.